Friday, August 22, 2014

Do you REALLY want that perfect cat eye liner?

Pain Free Shopping for Cruelty Free Products! :)

I MUST kiss that nose!!!

Today I had an adventure using the Cruelty Cutter app at Walgreens. I was on the market for a few new bath products and have no heart to buy products that are not required -in any way- to be tested on animals. 

The Cruelty Cutter app is a simple and amazing tool to make cruelty free shopping AND advocation seamless. The  iStore app is $2.99, but that goes to The Beagle Freedom Product. Using your phone's scanner you can learn the cruelty status of that pretty cat eye liner- IS it really cat eye?

The app has SO many more awesome features. 1st, Doggy Dollars. 2nd, "shout outs". 3rd, alternate suggestions. 4th, "Please check?".  And finally the LIST! These all play together, but let me say in addition to scan searching items, the app has a HUGE list of products. You can sort and search by cruelty free or not, alphabetical, or by catagories.

Now- Doggy Dollars and "Shout Outs" (my term :p). What's better than raise awareness virtually effortlessly on your Facebook, Twitter, or even just texting WHILE earning REAL money for Ransoming lab animals!

 In the app, whenever you view a product - good or bad- you can earn Doggy Dollars by posting the status of that product. For a cruelty product you can tell your friends AND "bite back" by simply sending a form email by CC via your email address letting them know why you did not buy THAT product that day. Immediate feedback! 

This is a screen shot for a product I "bit back" while shopping. And I LOVE Hello Kitty. :( If you notice the Twitter hashtags one will tack itself on Dial's account! Bam! This is the standard text, but you can add or subtract any part of it. 

I like that if a product comes up with an "undetermined" status, you can also send an email to CC research department requesting an investigation. That's power!!! I earned about $8 Doggy Dollars today! :) 

*Ok, ok. NOT in the spirit of activism, but I do sometimes text myself or Chris when I am on a hunting binge. I don't often, but I don't want to loose the Doggy Dollar!

Today's Purchases:

Soap! Dr Bronner's to be specific. :) This stuff is amazing! It's called "all-one" because it's pretty much the only cleaner you -and your home! and pets!- could need. Super easy on the skin due to it's hemp Castile make up. Give Dr Bronner's Soap a google. See the little bunny? Not a guarantee to cruelty free, but a good start!

Wet 'n Wild Nail Polish! $0.99 sale! War Eagle! Guess whose getting an Auburn pedi?!

Wet 'n Wild waterproof mascara, also on sale! :D My old tube was COMPLETELY empty...

Ladies, who didn't pretty much live in the Wet 'n Wild cosmetic section? Little did we know, we WnW is one if the best pharmacy store cosmetic cruelty free choice. To the best of my knowledge, all of their range is! :) 

EOS lip balm for comparison. All EOS products are CF too!

Ology Milk & Honey Body Lotion
-no harmful chemicals
-24 hr moisturizer

I slapped some on before Chris & I left for dinner. OMG! Love! First, it smells like my beloved Hawaain Tropic sunscreen (don't ask, lol). It's so rich and creamy! Immediately soothed my itchy dry skin. It was just oily enough, if that makes sense. I don't like lotions that are almost all water. My skin needs as much bang as it can get! 

When I got home I noticed that Ology is a line produced by Walgreens. Now I am torn. :-/ Walgreens products -things THEY have made for them vs buy to sell in their stores- are animal tested. Cvs's aren't. We're thinking about swapping. However, do I buy Ology stuff to show Walgreens what people want or is it robbing Peter to pay Paul?? I'll think that over while I enjoy this tube. :)

The whole "Yes to ____ (insert veggie line)" is CF. :D They have a TON of stuff! These are sensitive facial wipes. Again, my face is so dry! I am prone to occasional acne, but I find tea tree oil is THE best blemish treatment. 

Good ol' Burt's Bees! This is a "creme" aka pretty thick cream. It smells wooonderful! I might see how almond milk creme tastes. ;) Weelll, maybe it's best to stick to the almond milk in the 'fridge. ;p

My hands, elbows, and feet always need extra love. :) Also, my dulcimer playing leads to blisters. Cremes are great to keep them soft- then you get the benefit of "tough skin" without rough or cracking skin.

While I did worry what the impression I was making scanning so many items - mostly in case they thought I was shoplifting!- it was a great feeling to come home with fun AND cruelty free loot!

Note- Carmex is CF! My allergy induced dry nose and chapped lips rejoice!

Nite nite!

"Daddy sleepin'" -Lana

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