My So Called Veggie Life

We were all lying to ourselves, huh?

*I apologize for the typos. Blogger was being a pill and I couldn't fix a lot of my errors!*

Ok, now the formalities are out of the way. :) My veggie story and life story are all tossed together. :)
If this was a Facebook status it would be "It's complicated." Flashback Music 90's music! Say Nirvana. Always say Nirvana. Aaanywho!! What does every teen do? Or me. I wanna be different! Like everyone else!

Actually only a bit true, I became a vegetarian. I was for several years and was very serious about it! But, things got complicated as time went on. No internet to speak of to search food information or veggie life advice. My town had one little hole-in-the-wall natural grocery store. And God what I would have given for my iPhone back then! Aaaand I kinda let my personal life go all wonky...

Fast-forward about 10 (?) years and here I am! "Proudly" with diagnosed bipolar disorder who has
NIGHTMARES about going off (doctor prescribed, medical community approved) meds, reconnected with my Savior Jesus, and snagged me a very hot, very kind, and VERY silly hubby. I love ya Chris. :) Note! Chris is stickin' to meat. He will however happily enjoy whatever food is placed before him. :) .... :I He can just get some flesh from the freeze if he'd like. :p

However, there is always bad bit right? Yes. :( For me it's that my body seems to want it's organs OUTSIDE my body! From 2008-2013 I have had seven major surgeries. The most terrifying was my three back surgeries leaving me with chronic pain and a titanium cage in my spine. The second was to remove all tissues under my right underarm because they were totally ravaged by an autoimmune disorder only 1% of the US have (Hydratinitis Supporativa or HS). It required a skin graft to be taken from the thigh-the size of the top of the thigh. While these all leave me to contend with back issues and the fact I cannot allow myself to get overheated, I LOVE MY LIFE!!! YOU DON'T GO THOUGH THIS AND WANT TO NOT HAVE THAT LIFE BACK!!!

And that all brings us back to Monday, August 4th, 2014. I did it. I decided that was the day. Why? I mean why now and why this time? I'll post photos and more explanation later, but my heart, my beagle mix Buck passed so suddenly from our lives. He had a massive seizure causing aneurism. He had been diagnosed with epilepsy that morning and was napping off his medications. He just stopped breathing... Miss ya so much kid. :x  But, good can come from sorrow.

Her name is Lana! In honor of Buck I searched out beagle rescues in our area and at the end of the story we adopted a tiny (only in size!) lemon beagle. :) The rescue is SOS "Save or Snoopies" got me into learning about the insanity of animal testing these days. Again another post, but beagles are preferred because the are naturally FORGIVING AND EAGER TO PLEASE. Hell, give 'em a dog who'll rip their damn arm off!

I just can't do it. Suffering is suffering.

And on 8/9/2014, I've been nine days "sober" AND that includes a day trip to the
water park. :p Tip- pack power/granola bars in your towels, water fountains- the drink kind you silly!, and shaved ices are 99% likelihood to be vegan if you shy away from creamy ones like pina colada or coconut. lol

*I said in my last blog that I am ok with wild caught sustainable fish and seafood.

I dove into the library and drug home a literal ton of books. Well, maybe not... :p I picked several recipes and well balanced daily menus that I felt would tempt Chris and not make him look upon is future with despair of odd wobbly tofu casseroles and "is there anything in this but veggies?" stir fries.

Full disclosure- right now I'm eating "Enlightened Mac & Cheese Casserole drinking miso soup like tea. Chris took a plate 1/2 mac & cheese and 1/2 Slow Cooker Veggie Fried Rice
(kinda disappointing, but I juzzed it up into tasty) into the tub with him. Yes. The tub. He lives there. Did I mention it's a whirlpool tub? And just took Lana on a bike ride? (If you just pictured Lana on a tiny bike with pink handlebar streamers, I love you dearly.)And we live in Alabama? And it's AUGUST? Ps: the surface of the SUN is cooler right now...

Ok, ok! So my reality my body is like the energy bar on your phone (or whatever. don't be nit picky! btw, gross saying huh? Don't go picking out lice!Whaa??). Just about everything I do drains that energy. I have to be efficient! If I know I'm going to be on a "back heavy" day, I either need to plan left-overs, take-out (nearly all fast food pizza crusts & sauces are vegan!), or use my beloved crockpot!

For good and annoying reasons, we are a single income family. Thank you my Love for being an awesome provider. :) So, I have to shop smart. Making meal plans, looking cheaper substitutes and sale shopping are very important. I am excited to find out how much cutting meat out will help. It really takes a lot of the budget!

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